Beauty Of Southeast Asia
Artwork celebrating the beauty and mystery of the forests and ancient cultures of Southeast Asia
When I visited Cambodia, I was taken with the magical beauty of the forests. They are lush, green, and often filled with a rising mist which heightens there mystery and intrigue.  When you visit the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat you are taken with the great beauty that is found in the artwork and architecture of the ancient cultures which inhabited the region.  The most special thing about Cambodia was the people. My tour guide there was a man who survived the holocaust that the Khmer Rouge inflicted upon the people. He was one of the most impressive people I have ever met. He had moved on from the tragedy, had a family, and had somehow found a way to find joy in daily life. He was a stronger person than I will ever be. I marveled at his resiliency and goodness. The nobility and strength he carried in his soul was the most magnificent thing I came into contact with on my journey.  I will remember it always. These noble souls of Cambodia fill the country with beauty and magic.  The example and miracle of keeping love and compassion in your heart in the face of such inexpressible tragedy, provides a fountain of nourishment and enlightenment that edifies all those who come into contact with it.  
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