Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
The pure in heart see the beauty in others and in the world that the cold hearted do not. The pure in heart look for the good in others and are kind and soft hearted to the flaws and weaknesses we all possess.  The pure in heart see the beautiful butterflies their brothers and sisters will one day metaphorically be transformed into, this takes courage and bravery. To see this beauty the pure in heart open their hearts and become vulnerable. The pure in heart have the bravery to be wounded on the behalf of others as mistakes are made on the path toward transformation and enlightenment. The pure in heart are humble, knowing others are also being wounded for their sake. The pure in heart see the beautiful colors in others that they do not see in themselves. The pure in heart take the leap of faith to believe that the sacrifices we make for each other eventually guide us home. They believe the sacrifices we make for each other eventually lift us into the light.  In this way they see God, they see what it is to Love.
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