Forest Dawn-Moose
The moose is the world's tallest, largest and heaviest species of deer.It is also the tallest, and the second-largest, land animal in North America, falling short only of the American Bison in body mass.Moose are bold and readily defend themselves against large carnivores. During calving season, moose cows face down grizzly and black bears. In late winter when the snow is deep and moose cannot flee, they defend themselves against wolf packs. They choose hard, level ground with little snow for maneuverability, such as ridges blown free of snow or frozen lakes with a thin cover of snow. When hindered by deep snow, they back into dense conifers to protect their vulnerable inguinal region and lower haunches from attacks by wolves. They may then charge the wolves and attack them by slapping them with their front legs and kicking them with their hind legs. These blows are powerful enough to kill wolves.
Because of their large body size, moose have a long gestation period of about 230 days. Twins are not uncommon. The young are born tan in colour, which contrasts sharply with the dark colour of adults. They grow very fast but still require maternal protection against wolves in winter.