Let Us Dream Of The Kingdom Not Of This World.
Cervante's wonderful character  Don Quixote
did not see the world as it is but as it should be. He did not see others as they are but as they will be. He lived his life by the mantra "Ideals are like the stars, we may never reach them but we chart our course by them." In a world that is upside down and where evil often prevails over the good, it is a great gift to have someone to stand next to who shares a dream of a better way to live and higher ideals to strive for. The things that are the most popular in this world are things that appeal to our base nature and our fallen constitution. It takes an active force of will to focus on things of a spiritual nature and leave behind the measuring stick of worldly success. Worldly success often does not follow the spiritually minded.  Jesus said of those that would follow him "If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world" John chapter 15 vs 19 . When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus if he was a king, Jesus replied "my kingdom is not of this world"  He tells his followers the world will often not love them. We can often feel that because we do good, we will be blessed and see success, but more often that not, this is not the case. Christ's own life and the life of the character Don Quixote reflect this reality. To have someone to stand next to who dreams the "Impossible Dream" of striving to reach that kingdom not of this world is warmth in the cold and darkness. Having a companion on life's difficult journey that is sailing toward the unreachable star of unselfish sacrifice, forgiveness, patience in failure and suffering, endurance in affliction, kindness in the face of persecution,  and charity for all mankind, is a priceless treasure. Those that seek the kingdom of God see the yet to be born butterfly that lives in each and every child of God.  Let us deal with the stones and arrows and dream the impossible dream together.
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