Loves Wisdom Blossoms In Your Heart

However far you may have to go,
To find a seed of understanding that will in your heart grow,
Becoming a beautiful treasure of the soul,
One that enriches your spirit and makes you more loving and whole,
Do not be discouraged if the path is long,
Be not discouraged if until midnight you must trek along,
Take heart if you must pass the icy cold wonders of the south,
Remain hopeful if taxing and difficult becomes your route,
For the only thing that will remain forever with you and never depart,
Are the flowers of love and wisdom that have blossomed inside your heart,
When your spirit leaves this earth and heads for the stars,
It will take with it wisdom’s flowers that have grown from your troubles and scars,
So, keep pressing on into the night,
Love’s wisdom grows within you as you travel toward eternities infinite light.

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