Orcas Of Patagonia
 A curious fact about these Orcas is that they have a matriarchal organization. The female leader, among other duties, teaches to the younger orcas the unique feeding behavior they have developed: the technique of intentional beaching is one such technique. The Orcas will chase prey such as sea lions or penguins right up onto the beach. The orca will often conceal itself in an incoming wave then surprise its prey by grabbing it on the shoreline. It is known that beaching is dangerous, many whales die every year because of this. This is the reason why this hunting technique is so interesting and is a unique phenomenon that only occurs in Argentina in Peninsula Valdes in patagonia. No other group of Orcas or whales around the world has developed it.
Orcas belong to the dolphin’s family and there are different kinds of them. Their length is typically 6-8 meters on males (around 6 tons), and 5-7 meters on females (3-4 tons), and live between 10 and 45 years.  They’re apex predators (no natural predators) and hunt with jaws with powerful teeth.
 Orcas form groups called PODS.  These groups are related individuals which share a language and have a Matriarchal organization.  
Another way that Orcas hunt is by using echolocation. This means that they emit a sound that is reflected on the pray and returns to the Orca, allowing them to know the location where this potential pray might be.
Furthermore, there are records of Orcas hunting sea lions which were lying on top of icebergs, by creating waves that pushed the sea lions into the water.
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